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Writer's pictureDr. Taketa Williams

All Success Starts With An Idea

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

An idea is a thought or an imagination that you can picture in your mind. Can you imagine being wealthy and never lacking financially ever again in your life? Can you imagine having enough to pay all your bills, take care of your family and live in abundance and surplus for the rest of your days? It's possible. All success begins with an idea that is incubated in your imagination and born out of the womb of your mind. It's imperative that you nurture your ideas. Take care of your thoughts. Don't let them fall to the ground. Don't neglect them. God wants to send increase to your ideas. You may be sitting on a multi-million dollar, witty invention and a super creative idea that has the possibility of literally bringing millions into your life.

Owners of lucrative Fortune 500 companies and businesses experience extraordinary financial success and this success all began with a distinct idea that led into something mega. The process of creating something spectacular is Imagination, Pronunciation and Manifestation. Nothing great can happen until you first imagine it. Greatness begins with awareness. You must be aware that what you imagine has the potential to become your reality and change the very course of your life for the better and forever.

I pray that God would give you the wisdom to express your ideas to the right people. May He give you divine destiny connections with people that have the power, the authority, the influence, the finances, the resournces and the ability to bless you and help bring the ideas housed in your imagination into manifestation. I pray that you would rise up and possess great determination and work hard at turning all your thoughts into tangible things. Don't let up. Don't stop until you see your idea succeed and bring greater increase into your hands. Every idea you have may not bring about the results you desire, but expect at least one to explode. Sometimes the miracle is in the one that's least expected to work. Work it!

Quote: "Good ideas are common – what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about." - Author, Unknown

Faith Builder Scripture: I Corinthians 15:58, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."


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